Lingering Echoes, 2018
09:20, HD video, sound
Lingering Echoes is an immersive video installation that invites viewers into an intimate and reflective moment. Three silhouetted siblings gather for a pre-party ritual, applying makeup, drinking, and sharing candid conversations about their family and the tensions that linger within it.
The installation is designed to blur the line between reality and projection. The video is staged to create the illusion of a physical presence in the room: stark lights from behind the figures cast them as sharp silhouettes, tricking the viewer into believing they are observing real people. As the audience steps into the space, they are drawn into an intimate scene, seemingly eavesdropping on a private moment.
The work explores themes of familial connection and unresolved conflicts, while inviting the audience to reflect on the act of observation—what it means to witness the unspoken dynamics within a family.
Cinematography: Ollie Piani